Technology Can Easily Aid In Total Surveillance, Credit Card Chip Implants, and the Rapture ~ Party Political

Monday, October 15, 2007

Technology Can Easily Aid In Total Surveillance, Credit Card Chip Implants, and the Rapture

In this day and age, with things getting smaller and smaller, and faster and faster, pretty soon it's going to be incredibly easy to put a camera on every corner, and in every room, watching and listening to everybody, all the time.

Commercials are already pushing the Visa Check Card as a faster and therefore better method of payment than cash. But they skew things. The Card users always have their cards ready and in their hands. No need to sign any slips of paper, according to the ads. How secure is that? And most of the time, the "loser" who pays with cash is shown reaching into his or her pocket or wallet or purse to get the money in a slow and apparently exasperating way. Now, that's totally unfair.

If one person has their form of payment in their wallet, the other should too. The Card members should have to reach in and retrieve their Cards, just as the cash user does. But it would be so much easier if the Card were embedded beneath the skin of the hand, wouldn't it? Sure, some would laugh and say, "Ha ha, you've got the mark of the Beast!" But we'd all know that with just a flick of the wrist, we can pay for that overpriced coffee and extra donut and not look foolish to the customers behind us in line, all of whom have been brainwashed by the Visa Check Card mentality of, "Hurry up, get out of my way, I need to pay now!"

Is the Book of Revelations right? It sure looks like some good planning could make it so...

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